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British Values





The Department for Education takes its definition for British Values from the Home Office’s Prevent Strategy. It defines fundamental British Values as:


  • Democracy


  • The Rule of Law


  • Individual liberty


  • Mutual respect


  • Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs


At John Hunt Academy, we are committed to serving the local community. We actively promote British Values to ensure our young people leave school prepared for life in modern Britain.


We recognise the multi-cultural, multi-faith nature of the United Kingdom and understand the crucial role our school plays in promoting these values.


We are a school for everyone!


Democracy – what do we do?


The principle of democracy is consistently being reinforced at John Hunt Academy. All children have the opportunity to influence decision-making and to have a voice within school.


  • The School Council is led by Mrs Martin, who is part of the school’s ‘Personal Wellbeing & Cultural Awareness’ team.

  • School Council members are elected at the beginning of the year. Children are encouraged to present their own manifestos and discuss what it means to represent a political party. They are taught how the voting system works. Children visit the ‘polling station’ and complete secret ballot papers, to elect the councillors in a fair, democratic way.

  • Children are regularly consulted about how their school might be improved.

  • Within the school community, some of the older children have key roles to help make important decisions. Interviews are held to appoint prefects and a Head Boy and Girl.

  • School Council is often actively involved in the selection process of new staff.


The Rule of Law – what do we do?


  • Expectations and responsibilities are clearly shared and understood through our Golden Rules. Every class has the same rules and children understand the behaviour policy.

  • Parents sign the home/school agreement annually and in doing so, agree to support our approach.

  • Children understand that living under the rule of law protects people. They are taught the value and reasons behind laws and the consequences when laws are broken.

  • Visits from authorities such as the Police, Fire Services, NSPCC and Road Safety team, reinforce this message

  • Children take part in the Bikeability scheme.

  • Year 6 learn about the dangers of drugs, alcohol and substance abuse in PSHE lessons.

  • We praise children’s efforts and they are rewarded not only for their achievements, but also for behaviour.



Individual Liberty- what do we do?


  • Children are encouraged to have high aspirations and participate fully in extra-curricular clubs and opportunities that are offered to them.

  • John Hunt implements a strong anti-bullying culture and has been awarded a Gold standard for work in this area.

  • Pupils take part in anti-bullying week each year, with a strong focus on cyber bullying. Children are taught strategies to keep themselves safe online.

  • Stereotypes are challenged through PSHE themes and vulnerable pupils are protected. Children are encouraged to discuss and respect diversity – including differences of gender, family situations, disability and faith.




Mutual Respect and tolerance- what do we do?


  • All staff are positive role models for the children and lead by example. All members of the school community are encouraged to treat each other with respect.

  • Our ‘Take Care’ values encourage children to look after their world, themselves and each other.

  • Our extra-curricular clubs and enrichment activities focus on building self-esteem and working as a team.

  • Playground buddies/ peer mentors are trained to support younger children at playtimes.

  • We have a growing number of EAL children and actively work with our Community Engagement Co-ordinator to promote their learning and integration into our school.

  • We challenge discriminatory or racist behaviour.

  • Members of different faiths or religions are invited to school to share their knowledge.

  • We follow the SHINE Agreed RE syllabus, which helps children to acquire an understanding of, and respect for, their own and other cultures and ways of life.
