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Safeguarding at John Hunt

Safeguarding at John Hunt


At John Hunt, we take safeguarding your child very seriously.  We work in partnership with parents, children and outside agencies to ensure that all children are safe from harm.


We have 5 designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) in school.  There is always at least one of them in school all the time.


The Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Good, Head of School

The Deputy Safeguarding Lead is Miss Devlin Head of School

Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Glass, the SENCo

Designated Safeguarding Lead is Miss Proctor, the SENCo - Maternity Leave

Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Chapman, Pastoral


The Designated teacher for LAC and previously LAC is Mrs Good


The Designated Lead for SHINE Academy Trust is Mrs O'Leary


Our Safeguarding Governor is Ms Angood


The E-Safety Lead is Mrs Cooper


All members of staff and governors receive safeguarding training on a regular basis


If you are concerned for the welfare of any child, please come into school and make an appointment to see a DSL or contact the school via the office email address.
