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Useful Links - Links to Support Sites

We all need some support from time to time. There is no shame in admitting that everything is not ok. At John Hunt we always strive to support every member of our John Hunt family in the best way possible. Remember our school doors are always open for you (Unfortunately at the moment this is via telephone due to Covid) to come and speak to any member of staff.

In School we have our Designated Safeguarding Leads (Mrs Mole, Miss Devlin and Mrs Good)  also, we have Mrs Chapman who is our school ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant).

An ELSA is a specialist teaching assistant with a wealth of experience of working with children on a wide range of issues. ELSAs are trained and regularly supervised by the Educational Psychologists in the Local education authority. Their aim is to remove the barriers to learning and to have happy children in school and at home. 


Below are some useful websites which can provide you with some support, should you feel that you need it.



  • Parentline 07520 619919 – Healthy Family Team – this is a confidential texting service to provide parents and carers advice around feeding, child development, parenting advice and support, emotional health and wellbeing, behaviour difficulties and family health.
  • Chat Health 07507 329952 – Healthy Family Team - this is a confidential texting service for 11 to 19-year olds in Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust. 
  • Safe Time - 0 - 18yrs
    Who is this for?
    Young people aged 17 and under who are a victim/survivor of sexual exploitation or sexual abuse.
    What do they offer?
    Therapeutic support for young people to minimise the impact of the abuse on their emotional wellbeing and mental health and increase their resilience.
    How can I access it?
    Young people, parents/carers or professionals can refer via:
    Phone: 0115 960 6975